Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Boobs, Private Parts and Prostitutes

     My husband has seen a greater variety of boobs and private parts since we got married than he ever did before. I, however, am not jealous in the least. It's generally from a prostitute, or for some bizarre reason, he tends to get flashed by the older, overweight women. Plus there is the men with twisted testicles and other private ailments that insist on showing him where it hurts (whereas, he's perfectly fine with just a description of the problem!).

    I had, of course, heard about prostitutes from things like TV and every town has that one street that they all stand on. But in my little social bubble, I never realized just how prevalent it is. I'd say close to half the women that J.D. picks up are prostitutes (wow, out of context that would sound really bad...).

    He picked up a prostitute whose client told her he had AIDS after the transaction was done (she was actually at Murder Kroger, it has its own Wikipedia page). He picked up one whose client had beaten her during the transaction, but she was so unfazed by this that she went home and slept first before calling 911. She had a tattoo that said Love is Pain (no honey, it's not...). One of the first patients J.D. helped with that died was a prostitute that had been beaten and left in someone's backyard. Or the time he responded to a prostitute that was having abdominal pain and had to walk through the crackhouse/whorehouse and was offered a hit of God knows what by a member of the clientele.

    And these prostitutes are so blase about it. J.D. went to one woman having chest pains due to smoking too much crack. J.D. asked how much had she had? Her response was about $200 worth. He then asked how'd you get that money? Her response, and this is a direct quote "sellin' pussy". J.D. and his partner will post at different spots while waiting for the next call and there is one outside a self cleaning bathroom that cost the City of Atlanta $100,000. They get to watch all sorts of business transactions take place in this bathroom. There is, of course, the drug sales, but also they've watched a prostitute hawk her wares on the street and then take her clients into the bathroom. She knew they were watching her too because at one point, she hiked up her dress (she didn't have any underwear on) and flashed J.D. and his partner.

     There are more stories, but this makes me sad because, for whatever reason, these women are stripped of everything they have to offer except their bodies.

(I don't have a picture for this post because I felt like even the picture from a Halloween in college where I went as a western saloon girl would be in bad taste as that was one night of dressing up versus a harsh reality for these women)

Gratitude: As much as I dislike my current situation, at least I have lots of resources to create a career, a job, bring in money. At the end of the day, I have a lot to draw on to build a life and a future. I have OPPORTUNITY.

Quote: "Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want"-Margaret Young